Internet Services |
Being a networking company we can handle and provide just about any kind of Internet related service to our customers. We have automated the process of providing simple website hostings, reseller hostings and developer hostings, but beside these types of hosting there are many other related services we can provide. If you need help setting up a streaming multimedia service, globally distributed Internet services, an anonymous ftp service, or a simple dedicated email server, we can assist you. Our assistance totally depends on the type of help you would need. We are equally happy to help only in the design phase of your endeavour as we are happy to provide you a complete turn-key solution. We gladly sit in on a brainstorming session where you would need networking expertise, and we gladly provide you just the hardware or the rack-hosting space needed for your plans to come true. Besides hands-on solutions we provide you with the expertise needed to be successful in setting up your online presence. Examples of turn-key solutions we have provided so far include